Sunday, February 18, 2007

New Catolog!!!

I'm sorry that I haven't been posting lately. It was because I was busy. There are 5 hidden items. They are the red, blue, and gold viking helmets. The spy googles and the newspaper hat. To find red, blue and gold viking helmets follow these intructions.

1.Go to the page with the star necklace.

2. Click on all the stars on that necklace.

3. The red viking helmet will appear.

4. Click on the ved viking helmet. Open and close it 4 times till the blue viking helmet appears.

5. Then when you ahve the blue viking helmet window is open DON'T close it but click on the tiara.

To find the spy googles click on the snowshoes. To find the newspaper hat clcik on the backback flap.

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